30 NOV 2014
Starting Your First Planted Aquarium
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Tropical Aquariums | Aquascaping
Setting up a planted aquarium may seem like a big task to start with which may put some people off, but you can make a basic planted tank very easily and the extra maintenance is worth it for a beautiful and more natural aquarium. For a basic tank, we will start with a low-tech aquarium such as Aquael Shrimpset and Brillux tanks – leaving out CO2. This will mean that your planted aquarium will take longer to grow and you may not be able to grow certain plants, but is much easier for a beginner. You do not have to do any water testing or changes, do not have to prune your plants as much and algae growth is much slower. If you are happy to put up with a bit more hassle and want your tank to grow quicker, then we would recommend including CO2 in your planted aquarium set-up. There are a few steps you must follow to get started with your planted aquarium. It may be worth having a rough vision of what you would like to achieve before you start to make sure you get t.. [More] plantedtank1.jpg
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